Deep Tissue
Using a blend of Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, and Sports massage this is a focused massage for painful, sore muscles. This massage includes a posture anlysis and pelvic stabilization to balance the body and your choice of a pure theraputic grade essential oil. Your therapist will go over a treatment plan of action with you.

One Source Signature
A mix of Deep Tissue for desired tight areas, Trigger Point Thearpy, and Swedish massage. This massage includes hot towels and your choice of a pure theraputic grade essential oil.
Understanding Massage therapy
Massage can be a very vulnerable experience for some; triggering memories, thoughts, or emotions difficult to process. For those suffering from any sort of trauma, massage is a way to access the healing effect of intimate touch within the safe boundary of pure, innocent and loving intention. Additional benefits include enhanced immunity, athletic recovery/preparation, increased circulation, improved skin health, lessened depression/anxiety, and the alleviation of countless specific ailments.
Aroma Touch Massage
This technique uses the combination of massage and eight therapeutic grade essential oils to promote physical and emotional wellbeing. The specific order and placement of these oils promotes relaxation, supports the immune system, decreases inflammation to reduce pain, and invigorates to restore energy levels. The overall scent and application of AromaTouch is soothing, light, and pleasant to the senses. This technique can be your choice of a 30 minute session, or an addition to any 60 or 90 minute signature massage.

"The 1 hour massage, The Yoga, & the Chiropractic services are all great here. One of my new favorite places because the employees are friendly & welcoming!"
Marianne F.
"Just had the best massage ever! Chiropractic sessions working well. Need to try their yoga next. Brookfield friends you need to discover this place too!!!!"
Deb T.