Injectables in Brookfield WI

Botox And Facials Brookfield WI Elyce Fischer And Tory White
Botox And Facials Brookfield WI Skin Source Logo

Aging is a privilege. As we all know, however, aging changes the way we look. Here at Skin Source, we make it our top priority to tailor your  Brookfield WI skincare treatment in a way that preserves your unique beauty.

Wrinkle Relaxers in Brookfield WI

Expressions are part of the way we communicate and are part of our unique beauty. However, we don't necessarily need or want an abundance of expression lines. Wrinkle relaxers can be the answer to matching up our outside with how we feel on the inside.

Wrinkle relaxers are a safe, minimal downtime procedure with results between 3 and 14 days, depending on which product is used. Here at Skin Source we have a variety of FDA-approved wrinkle relaxers available and are here to help you choose what is right for you!

Botox Cosmetic has been used since 2002 for cosmetic purposes. Results typically start around 6 days after treatment with full results at day 14. Results typically last 3-4 months. Join Allē rewards program for additional offers and to accrue points for each treatment.

Dysport has been used cosmetically since 2009. Results typically begin 2 or 3 days after injection, with full results seen at day 14. Results typically last 3-4 months. Join Aspire Galderma Rewards program for additional offers and to accrue points for each treatment.

Jeuveau, aka "Newtox," was approved for use in 2019. Results kick in usually at days 3-5 with full effects seen at 14 days and lasting about 3-4 months.


The fillers used here at Skin Source are FDA approved and made of hyaluronic acid gel. Fillers are designed to provide contour, volume, and lift to different areas of the face such as lips, cheeks, and around the mouth. During your appointment, we will select the most appropriate hyaluronic acid gel filler in our portfolio to fit your needs. Results are immediate and last 6 months to 2 years on average.

PRF Injectables

Consultation Required prior to scheduling PRF appointment. PRF stands for Platelet-Rich Fibrin. PRF is obtained by drawing the client's blood, using a specialized centrifuge to spin down the sample, and withdrawing the platelet rich fibrin from the sample. The PRF can then be injected in to certain areas of the face to strengthen/re-volumize the tissues and/or can be microneedle in to the skin using the Skin Pen device. A series of treatments, usually 3 spaced a month apart, are required.


Sculptra is a procedure that involves injecting particles of PLLA (poly-L lactic acid) suspended in water throughout specific areas of the face. Your body absorbs the water over several days, but the PLLA stays to work it's magic. Your body will produce collagen and elastin in response to the particles, which eventually are absorbed by the body as well, leaving your OWN collagen behind for a natural, beautiful result. 3 treatments are recommended for most clients. Consultation required.

Before Your Appointment:

  • Before arriving at the clinic, please ensure you have no makeup or lotion on your face in the treatment areas.
  • To minimize bruising during and after your appointment, please avoid the use of blood thinning medications and supplements such as Aspirin (unless prescribed by your doctor), Aleve, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, and alcohol for 4-7 days prior to your treatment.


Wrinkle relaxer injection sites will be red and slightly swollen for 20 minutes to an hour after treatment. We recommend avoiding makeup the day of treatment to prevent infection, as well as staying upright for 4 hours after and avoiding exercise for 24 hours.

Filler injection sites will be red and swollen after treatment. We recommend avoiding makeup the day of treatment to prevent infection and avoiding strenuous exercise for 24 hours. Swelling may increase shortly after the procedure and last a few days, with most swelling resolving by 2 weeks.

Any time a needle is placed into the skin, unfortunately there is a chance of bruising. To minimize bruising, please avoid the use of blood thinning medications and supplements such as Aspirin (unless prescribed by your doctor), Aleve, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, and alcohol for 4-7 days prior to your treatment.

Pricing is determined by each individual client’s needs. Wrinkle relaxers are sold per unit. Everyone’s muscles are different and require a tailored approach to achieve the best results. Fillers are sold per syringe and the price ranges from $400-$800 per syringe depending on which filler is used. Consults are always complimentary.

Botox And Facials Brookfield WI Elyce Fischer

To schedule with Nurse Elyce, please click below!


9:00am - 5:30pm

9:00am - 5:30pm

9:00am - 5:30pm

9:00am - 5:30pm

9:00am - 5:30pm

By Appointment Only


Skin Source

13730 West Greenfield Ave Ste A
Brookfield, WI 53005

(262) 244-7600